Undergraduate Research

In modern research, there exists a distinct lack of access to research instrumentation due to financial barriers, resulting in the delay of potentially life-saving breakthroughs. This can be solved by creating more fiscally accessible devices using open-sourced technology.

During my time at the University of Central Florida, I conducted research under Professor Michael Hampton, which focused on the development of instruments used to analyze Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). My Honors Undergraduate Thesis focused on the creation and characterization of a cheaper, portable carbon dioxide and volatile organic compound sensor, called the VACDAD and a portable gas chromatograph (GC).

What are VOCs and Why are They Important?

VOCs, or Volatile Organic Compounds, are the gaseous chemicals generated by virtually all living things and can be key indicators of the health of an organism. As such, they can be crucial for applications such as clinical diagnostics and environmental monitoring. However, the analysis of VOCs is difficult because (as their name implies) they can be extremely volatile, or short-lived. As a result, they must be captured rapidly and taken for analysis soon after they are generated. In some situations, they may react with ambient air or degrade due to exposure to light, making time an extremely important factor in this process. The current standard procedure for identifying VOCs is with the use of a gas chromatograph, which is often restricted to a chemistry lab due to its large size and cost. There are very few portable gas chromatographs available today, and they can weigh upwards of 50 pounds, limiting their portability, and thus, their application to field research. Reducing their size and cost can allow for researchers and clinicians to rapidly respond to changes in data, potentially saving lives in the process.

The Initial VACDAD Prototype


The VOC and CO₂ Data Acquisition Device

The VACDAD is a portable module that measures and records the concentration of VOCs and Carbon Dioxide to a spreadsheet. Consisting of a Raspberry Pi Zero connected to an SGP30 Gas Sensor, the system is capable of being powered by a portable power bank and being operated without the use of peripherals such as a monitor and mouse. The main script that operates this device is written in Python, which executes on startup, and can be triggered to begin recording via an onboard microswitch. The status of the system is reported via the three indicator lights.

Although the VACDAD was created as an initial proof of concept for the mini-GC, it was found to be effective for applications where the measurement of ambient VOCs (but not the identification of specific compounds) was sufficient for data analysis. As a result, this device has been deployed in biochemical research investigating Huntington's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, and the chemical analysis of emotions.

Mini Gas Chromatograph

What is it? Why is it Important?

I designed and built a low-cost portable gas chromatograph using off-the-shelf components, which is capable of identifying individual compounds from a mixture of two VOCs. As an initial proof of concept, this is a significant benchmark, because it shows that a GC can be miniaturized for less than $200.

What is a Gas Chromatograph? How does it Work?

A gas chromatograph is used to identify the individual chemical compounds present in an air sample. This is done by introducing the sample into a flow of some moving known gas (called the mobile phase), which passes through a tube (called the column) that is packed with a solid chemical compound (called the stationary phase). The mobile phase has no specific interaction with the stationary phase; however, the different compounds present in the sample may have different affinities to the stationary phase (some compounds may "stick" to the solid more than others), resulting in those compounds taking differing amounts of time to completely pass through the column. I like to think of it as similar to washing a stain (the sample) off a piece of clothing. Some foods stick to your clothes (the stationary phase) and require more water (the mobile phase) effort to scrub off than others! Chromatography works the same way. The amount of time it takes for each individual compound to completely pass through the column is called the elution time. This property is then used to identify the compound.

What Makes My Design Special?

As stated above, one of the greatest benefits to my design is the low cost and small size. The reduced weight and volume lead to its ability to be applied as a drone payload, floating sensor, or even an in-line clinical monitoring tool — something unheard of in current systems. These applications are actively being explored with the device.

Another challenge faced by portable and non-portable GCs alike is the use of the mobile phase (remember, that is the nonreactive gas used to drive a sample through the system). Mobile phases are usually purified noble gases such as argon or helium, which are difficult to generate and whose storage adds to the size taken up by the system. My design uses clean air as the mobile phase, which is beneficial in that it can be generated as needed from the immediate surroundings, and thus, requires no storage, while prolonging the runtime of the system. This also means that the waste products can be immediately released into the environment, as no chemicals are added to the sample for analysis. This has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of analyses.

Lastly, and perhaps the most significant feature, is that the system uses active listening to determine when to begin analysis. The system begins by directly allowing environmental air to pass over the VOC detector. When a sufficient concentration of VOCs is detected, then it will switch to analysis mode, where the components of the sample are separated for analysis. Afterward, it continues "listening", waiting to trigger analysis once again. Because an analysis of a sample by a GC can take a few minutes, it is imperative that this is initiated at the appropriate time, to ensure that an ideal sample is not missed due to the analysis of a less relevant one. This also means that the system is much more autonomous, allowing it to be deployed over long periods of time unlike traditional GCs, which must be activated manually. An overview of this system is

The culmination of these factors makes this a novel system, with the potential to provide more widespread access to analysis tools. I sincerely hope that my work will inspire others to develop similar instruments in their own work.

GC Overview

Sampling Mode

"Listens" for Sufficient Samples of VOCs Before Triggering Analysis

Injection Mode

Introduces the Sample into the System for Analysis (Very Short-Lived)

Analysis Mode

Separates the Individual Compounds Based on their Affinity to the Column

Associated Publications

Basdeo, Rishi, "Design, Construction, and Characterization of a Mini-CO2/VOC Sensor and Gas Chromatograph for Field Research" (2021). Honors Undergraduate Theses. 1047. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/honorstheses/1047